Support From CPRE London
We are delighted to receive the following statement from CPRE London:
“CPRE London strongly supports the campaign by Save Our Space N8 to protect precious Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) in Crouch End. We work across London with community groups and volunteers to protect and enhance the capital’s Green Belt, MOL, parks and green spaces and improve the environment for the health and wellbeing of all Londoners. Hornsey Cricket Club’s proposed development is clearly contrary to planning policy and would have a significantly adverse impact on the openness and permanence of this popular and much-valued local space. We urge Haringey Council to reject the planning application.”
SOSN8 Campaign
Hornsey Cricket club are seeking planning permission to build a large multipurpose sports centre on Metropolitan Open land (MOL) Located at the end of Tivoli Road, in close proximity to View Crescent. Save Our Space N8 is a group made up of local residents who oppose the Club’s plans to build on this precious open space.
About CPRE London
CPRE London is a membership based charity with 2,500 members across London. They campaign to save London’s precious green spaces, Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land and to work for a greener London. They have become increasingly concerned about development in parks and scarce open spaces. They have identified more than 50 London parks and green spaces under threat from development, privatisation and neglect. Many of these sites have protected Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land status. As is the case for the SOSN8 campaign.
You can read their March 2022 report “Forever Green?” on open and green spaces under threat here (PDF) >>