It’s now over eighteen months since Hornsey Cricket Club first announced their plans to develop a large indoor sports facility on the Metropolitan Open Land at the end of Tivoli Road. Replacing the much-used tennis courts, at 9m high the proposed structure will dominate the skyline and radically change the nature of the open space and Tivoli Road.

FOI Request Shows Hornsey Club Progressing Planning Application

Unhappily the enthusiasm with which the Club sought to protect their site from development in the form of the recent proposals for a mobile phone mast has been short-lived. Although the Club has not attempted to reengage with the local community since the open meeting held in May 202 and efforts by local residents to get an update have proved fruitless, it is clear from recent email exchanges between their agents and Haringey’s planning officials (obtained from Haringey through a Freedom of Information request by a local resident) that their plans are progressing.

We Are Keeping A Watchful Eye

It seems likely that a formal application for planning permission will be submitted in the near future, offering an opportunity for local residents to put their views forward. As soon as any further details are available, we will circulate to our mailing list. If you haven’t yet done so please sign up now using the form below.