Sorry to advise supporters, the proposal to build a substantial 20m high telecoms mast on the Hornsey Cricket club grounds has returned.
Telecoms Mast Application History
Last year the development company (Cornerstone) applied to the Council in March (2023) for prior approval to build the mast acting on behalf of O2. This application was strongly opposed by SOSN8, local residents and others seeking to protect valuable Metropolitan Open Land from development. Over 50 objections were submitted (including from the cricket club itself). The council took note of the strong local opposition and turned down the application. The result was published here >> on May 19th 2023.
57th Day Admin Loophole
It now appears that the Cornerstone are asserting that there is a statutory time limit of 56 days within which the planning authority must give its decision for such applications and are claiming that the notice of decision from the Council arrived on day 57! As a result, they assert they have deemed permission to proceed and are already contacting the club for site access.
Continued Opposition
We are thoroughly dismayed that this proposal has a new lease of life due to an administrative technicality and will be contacting the council and local councillors to seek an explanation and, express our disappointment at such a lapse of process. Also to seek assurances that the council planning department will take action to see that their decision to reject the application is enforced.
We will publish updates as available, and advise supporters on how best to direct any efforts to prevent this going ahead.
You can see all previous posts relating to the telecoms mast here >>