The proposal to build a 20m high 5G phone mast on Metropolitan Open Land part of the Hornsey Cricket Club field has now reached the next phase.
Planning Process
The mast proposal is now in the formal planning process with Haringey Council and there is a consultation period that will run to the 2nd May 2023 .
You may have already communicated with councillors or the developer however this is the final stage where the council will be taking into account comments and objections submitted via the planning process. SOSN8 would encourage everyone to respond to this consultation. One of the main objections to this mast location is that it is on Metropolitan Open Land and is also Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC).
In addition we are aware that they do not have the landowner’s consent, the Hornsey Club is also opposed to the mast development..
Add Your Voice
The planning reference is HGY/2023/0825. Objections and comments can be submitted online via the council planning application website.
Click the “comments” tab to add your thoughts.
You can also submit in writing to the planning department. SOSN8 will be lodging an objection along similar lines to our previous response letter.
Don’t forget – the deadline for responses is 2nd May.