Image credit: from The Hornsey Club Pre-Application 02 Design Document, presented to local residents 17th May 2022
Raising Funds For Expert Planning Support
The Save our Space N8 campaign group believes that if a planning application is made for the Sports Hall, opposing it will require expert planning advice to oppose the proposal. We have received cost estimates from planning advisers – approx. £3500 – SOSN8 are is seeking to raise this sum from neighbours and those who want to help protect local open spaces from development. Any approval of Hornsey Cricket Club’s plans would set a dangerous precedent for other large building construction in these special open spaces.
Our sincere hope is that no application is made and the threat to the Metropolitan Open Land passes. We are endeavouring to seek further information from the Cricket Club on their intentions, but in the absence of confirmation we believe it necessary to prepare to protect the Open Spaces from this risk to Metropolitan Open Land.
We need To Be Prepared To Act
As you may know, Freedom of Information Act disclosure reveals that Haringey Council has not ruled out granting permission to a sports hall development by Hornsey Cricket Club. This leaves the Crouch End Open Spaces and Playing Fields – the unique area which is home to woodland paths as well as cricket and tennis clubs – at risk of inappropriate development despite it being Metropolitan Open land (MOL), which is intended to protect open spaces in London.
Any approval of Hornsey Cricket Club’s plans would set a dangerous precedent for other large building construction in these protected open spaces. The Save our Space N8 campaign group believes that if a planning application is made, opposing it requires expert planning advice, especially on the principle of defending Metropolitan Open Land. Given the short timeframe from any planning notice to objection deadline, once we get any notice the planning expert would need immediate instruction. Therefore we have to have the necessary funds pledged or committed in advance of that time.
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